Comparing harvest management alternatives for Eastern Wild Turkeys in Alabama

Cooperator Science Series 137-2021
By: , and 



Eastern wild turkey (Meleagris gallopavo silvestris; hereafter turkey) is an important game species that is pursued by thousands of Alabama hunters each spring. Biologists in Alabama and other parts of the southeastern U.S. believe that turkey populations have been declining for at least two decades. Managers in many state agencies and organizations believe that liberal spring bag limits and the timing of hunting seasons are contributing to this decline. We used an expert-driven approach to develop models of turkey populations that predicted the outcomes of spring harvest management alternatives. The models were based on recent research and expert judgement regarding the effects of spring hunting regulations on turkey vital rates. We then used the relationship between the expected spring density of adult males and expected harvest elicited from experts to compare the values of the alternatives over a 30-year period. Our model suggests that if later opening dates result in increased turkey productivity and increased harvest, the result will be larger turkey populations, increased harvest, and greater value to stakeholders. In 84% of deterministic projections from 27,951 different initial populations, the highest valued alternative was to open seasons later, reduce bag limits, and shorten the season. This alternative also was best in 48% of projections that included parametric uncertainty. These results were used to produce a decision-support tool, that could be used to guide decisions about spring hunting regulations for turkeys in Alabama, and updated using the results of monitoring programs. Further research is needed to more precisely estimate the causes and effects of spring hunting seasons on turkey vital rates.

Study Area

Publication type Report
Publication Subtype Federal Government Series
Title Comparing harvest management alternatives for Eastern Wild Turkeys in Alabama
Series title Cooperator Science Series
Series number 137-2021
Year Published 2021
Language English
Publisher U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service
Contributing office(s) Coop Res Unit Atlanta
Description ii, 37 p.
Country United States
State Alabama
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