Effective field sampling of rectoanal mucosa-associated lymphoid tissue for antemortem chronic wasting disease testing in white-tailed deer

Journal of Wildlife Diseases
By: , and 



Chronic wasting disease (CWD) is a fatal prion disease of cervids that has spread across much of North America. Although gold standard CWD diagnostics involve postmortem testing of medial retropharyngeal lymph nodes or obex (brain stem), a key tissue sample for antemortem testing is rectoanal mucosa–associated lymphoid tissue (RAMALT). However, collection of an adequate sample (i.e., enough lymphoid follicles) may be affected by factors such as deer age, repeated sampling, skill of the sampler, and adverse conditions during collection. Here, we document the protocol used to train personnel for RAMALT collection in a large study of free-ranging white-tailed deer (Odocoileus virginianus) in Wisconsin, USA, and determine factors that contributed to the occurrence of inadequate RAMALT samples. Our training protocol included hands-on experience with postmortem tissues, as well as a mentored collection process in the field. Collection of RAMALT under field conditions was highly successful, with 763/806 (94.7%) samples deemed adequate for subsequent testing. Although inadequate samples were rare, they were more likely to occur with older deer and when samples were collected at dusk (i.e., limited ambient lighting). We conclude that RAMALT collection can be highly successful under adverse field conditions, including with technicians with limited prior veterinary experience, and we provide details of our training program to facilitate repeatability in other antemortem CWD testing efforts.

Study Area

Publication type Article
Publication Subtype Journal Article
Title Effective field sampling of rectoanal mucosa-associated lymphoid tissue for antemortem chronic wasting disease testing in white-tailed deer
Series title Journal of Wildlife Diseases
DOI 10.7589/jwd-d-24-00020
Edition Online First
Year Published 2024
Language English
Publisher Allen Press
Contributing office(s) Coop Res Unit Leetown
Country United States
State Wisconsin
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