Microplastic and associated black particles from road-tire wear: Implications for radiative effects across the cryosphere and in the atmosphere

JGR - Atmospheres
By: , and 



The environmental effects of airborne micro- and nano-size plastic particles are poorly understood. Microscopy and chemical analyses of atmospherically deposited particles on snow surfaces at high elevation (2,865–3,690 m) in the Upper Colorado River basin (UCRB; Colorado Rocky Mountains) revealed the presence of black substances intimately associated with microplastic fibers, particles interpreted to have originated as tire matter. Identical and similar particles occur in shredded tires and road-surface samples. The substance responsible for the black color of all tires is carbon black, a graphitic light-absorbing tire additive produced by hydrocarbon combustion that homogeneously permeates the mixture of tire polymers and other additives. Such black tire matter may thus exert radiative effects closely similar to those of black carbon. The presence in snow of many organic compound types common to tires, measured by two-dimensional gas chromatography, suggests that atmospherically deposited black road-tire-wear matter is among the light-absorbing particulates that advance the onset and rate of snow melt in the UCRB. The mass of road-tire-wear particles shed from vehicles may be estimated by multiplying measured amounts of eroded tire-per-distance traveled by vehicular distances. Under a combination of measurements and assumptions about the amounts and radiative properties of atmospheric tire-wear particles, the radiative effects of these particles might add about 10%–30% to those effects from black carbon, an estimate ripe for revision. On regional and global scales, the amounts and effects of emitted and deposited tire-wear matter likely vary by factors of geographic source, transport pathway, and depositional setting.

Publication type Article
Publication Subtype Journal Article
Title Microplastic and associated black particles from road-tire wear: Implications for radiative effects across the cryosphere and in the atmosphere
Series title JGR - Atmospheres
DOI 10.1029/2024JD041116
Volume 129
Issue 19
Year Published 2024
Language English
Publisher American Geophysical Union
Contributing office(s) Geosciences and Environmental Change Science Center
Description e2024JD041116, 14 p.
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