Statistical analysis of Lake Tahoe secchi depth data




Secchi depth measurements in Lake Tahoe have been collected at a Long-Term Profile (LTP) monitoring site since 1968. Periodic updates in Secchi trend analysis are needed to understand changes in the long-term record, changes in seasonal pattern, and to provide insight into the progress of restoration efforts in improving lake clarity. As such, this analysis is intended to evaluate the long-term and seasonal clarity conditions by updating the analysis by Jassby and others, (1999) and to demonstrate the use of statistical measures as metrics for comparing ongoing monitoring data (Watanabe, 2024).

Study Area

Publication type Report
Publication Subtype Organization Series
Title Statistical analysis of Lake Tahoe secchi depth data
Year Published 2024
Language English
Publisher Tahoe Science Advisory Council
Contributing office(s) Nevada Water Science Center
Description 16 p.
Country United States
State California, Nevada
Other Geospatial Lake Tahoe
Google Analytic Metrics Metrics page
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