Using systematic conservation planning to recover climate resilient habitat for threatened and endangered species while retaining areas of cultural importance

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The effective management of at-risk species often requires fine-scale actions by natural resource managers. However, balancing these actions with concurrent land uses is challenging, particularly when compounded by the interplay of climate shifts, and escalating wildland–urban interface conflicts. We used spatial prioritization tools designed for biodiversity conservation to help resource managers on the Island of Lānaʻi prioritize mutually exclusive land use objectives: endangered species recovery and subsistence and recreational hunting. We weighed the current and anticipated future distributions of threatened and endangered plant species against the distribution of non-native game mammals to plan for species recovery more effectively. Prioritization results identified multiple footprints that could support recovery of all endangered species targets in climate resilient areas while retaining the majority of existing hunting areas. However, very little native vegetation was retained in conservation footprints without deliberate inclusion, which increased footprint area by 268%. Scenarios which prioritized contiguous conservation areas also dramatically increased conservation footprint area, although these scenarios may reduce associated fencing costs. This work demonstrates how spatial prioritization may guide localized species recovery efforts by supporting long-term conservation planning that addresses anticipated climate-driven increases in conflict between conservation and other land uses, with clear applicability beyond Lānaʻi.

Publication type Article
Publication Subtype Journal Article
Title Using systematic conservation planning to recover climate resilient habitat for threatened and endangered species while retaining areas of cultural importance
Series title Conservation
DOI 10.3390/conservation4030028
Volume 4
Issue 3
Year Published 2024
Language English
Publisher MDPI
Contributing office(s) Pacific Island Ecosystems Research Center
Description 17 p.
First page 435
Last page 451
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