Hysteretic response of suspended-sediment in wildfire affected watersheds of the Pacific Northwest and Southern Rocky Mountains
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Wildfires can have a profound impact on hydrosedimentary interactions, or the relationship between sediment and runoff, in forested headwater streams. Quantification of sediment-runoff dynamics at the event scale is integral for understanding source areas and transport of suspended-sediment through a watershed following wildfire. Here we used high-frequency turbidity and stream discharge data, coupled with discrete suspended-sediment measurements, in burned and unburned watersheds in the Southern Rocky Mountains and the western Cascades Range to evaluate the response of fine-grained (clay- and silt-sized particles) suspended-sediment. Hysteresis analysis was conducted on estimated suspended-sediment concentrations (using turbidity as a proxy) and streamflow through measurement of the difference in sediment concentration on the rising and falling limbs of the event hydrograph. All burned watersheds exhibited elevated fine suspended-sediment concentrations relative to concentrations found in pre-fire conditions. Changes to hysteretic response vary and may depend on a watershed's sediment connectivity limitations. Results suggest a watershed's inherent hillslope-to-channel (or lateral) connectivity is the primary factor controlling the relative magnitude of event-driven fine sediment fluxes in watersheds affected by wildfire. While wildfire did promote lateral connectivity through activation of hillslope sources, snowmelt, precipitation characteristics and antecedent conditions were more important drivers of hysteretic response than wildfire. For watersheds influenced by annual snowpack, we identified a predominantly clockwise hysteretic response during snowmelt and counterclockwise events during the late spring and summer months. There were also proportionally more counterclockwise events after wildfire in watersheds with high sediment connectivity. Results suggest contrasting wildfire-related sediment risk potential. Rivers in burned watersheds with high sediment connectivity may pose a higher risk to receiving waterbodies, such as larger tributaries or reservoirs, while rivers with low sediment connectivity may experience long-term sediment-related risk within the watershed above the outlet.
Study Area
Publication type | Article |
Publication Subtype | Journal Article |
Title | Hysteretic response of suspended-sediment in wildfire affected watersheds of the Pacific Northwest and Southern Rocky Mountains |
Series title | Earth Surface Processes and Landforms |
DOI | 10.1002/esp.6067 |
Volume | 50 |
Issue | 1 |
Year Published | 2025 |
Language | English |
Publisher | Wiley |
Contributing office(s) | WY-MT Water Science Center |
Description | e6067, 18 p. |
Country | United States |
State | Oregon |
Other Geospatial | Southern Rocky Mountains, Western Cascades |
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