Earthquake recurrence estimates for northern Caribbean faults from combinatorial optimization

The Seismic Record
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We use combinatorial optimization to find the optimal spatial distribution of random samples of earthquakes (≥6.5) that minimize the misfit in target slip rates for all faults in the northeast Caribbean, and we derive magnitude-frequency relationships with uncertainties for these faults. Slip rates for many faults are derived from GPS block models, not direct measurements, because of their underwater locations. Predicted recurrence rates for eastern Hispaniola and Puerto Rico Trench faults are 220-450 yr for M7 and 3-5 kyr for M8, with maximum feasible magnitude of M8.2. The most frequent earthquakes with magnitudes ≥7.0 are predicted on the large upper plate strike-slip faults, Enriquillo (EF) and Septentrional Fault, commensurate with the historical record. Calais et al. (2023) suggested that shortening in western Hispaniola is accommodated on the offshore Jérémie and onshore Malpasse faults north and south of EF, instead of on terrestrial faults in western Hispaniola and EF. Because of our system-modeling approach, such a configuration predicts less frequent earthquakes on EF and on western Hispaniola and Muertos convergent zones. Recurrence times of a few 100s yr for M6.7 earthquakes is predicted on the submerged faults in Mona Passage, and infrequent M>7 earthquakes are predicted on the Virgin Islands faults.

Study Area

Publication type Article
Publication Subtype Journal Article
Title Earthquake recurrence estimates for northern Caribbean faults from combinatorial optimization
Series title The Seismic Record
DOI 10.1785/0320240034
Volume 5
Issue 1
Year Published 2025
Language English
Publisher GeoScienceWorld
Contributing office(s) Woods Hole Coastal and Marine Science Center
Description 11 p.
First page 44
Last page 54
Country Cuba
Other Geospatial Lesser Antilles
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