Geologic studies in the Basin and Range-Colorado Plateau transition in southeastern Nevada, southwestern Utah, and northwestern Arizona, 1992
- Document: Report (pdf)
- NGMDB Index Pages:
- Stratigraphic relationships of Tertiary volcanic rocks in central Lincoln County, southeastern Nevada (html)
- Stratigraphy of Miocene ash-flow tuffs in and near the Caliente caldera complex, southeastern Nevada and southwestern Utah (html)
- Preliminary geochemistry of Miocene ash-flow tuffs in and near the Caliente caldera complex, southeastern Nevada and southwestern Utah (html)
- Evidence of the Kane Springs Wash caldera in the Meadow Valley Mountains, southeastern Nevada (html)
- Low-angle normal faults in Devonian rocks of the southern Delamar Mountains, Lincoln County, Nevada (html)
- Paleomagnetic data from the Miocene Hiko Tuff, southeastern Nevada, and their tectonic implications (html)
- Decoupling of mid-Tertiary rocks, Red Hills - western Markagunt Plateau, southwestern Utah (html)
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Study Area
Publication type | Report |
Publication Subtype | USGS Numbered Series |
Title | Geologic studies in the Basin and Range-Colorado Plateau transition in southeastern Nevada, southwestern Utah, and northwestern Arizona, 1992 |
Series title | Bulletin |
Series number | 2056 |
DOI | 10.3133/b2056 |
Year Published | 1995 |
Language | English |
Publisher | U.S. Geological Survey |
Description | iii, 275 p. |
Country | United States |
State | Arizona, Nevada, Utah |
Other Geospatial | Basin and Range-Colorado Plateau |
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