Land subsidence in the United States

Circular 1182
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This report explores the role of science in defining and understanding subsidence problems, and shows that the optimal use of our land and water resources may depend on improved scientific understanding to minimize subsidence. More than 80 percent of the identified land subsidence in the Nation is a consequence of human impact on subsurface water, and is an often overlooked environmental consequence of our land- and water-use practices. Nine illustrative case studies demonstrate the role of subsurface water in human-induced land subsidence. These studies represent three distinct processes that account for most of the water-related subsidence--compaction of aquifer systems, drainage and subsequent oxidation of organic soils, and dissolution and collapse of susceptible rocks. The compaction of alluvial aquifer systems that can accompany excessive ground-water pumping and resulting ground-water level declines is, by far, the single largest cause of subsidence.

Study Area

Publication type Report
Publication Subtype USGS Numbered Series
Title Land subsidence in the United States
Series title Circular
Series number 1182
ISBN 0607926961
DOI 10.3133/cir1182
Year Published 1999
Language English
Publisher U.S. Geological Survey
Contributing office(s) Ohio-Kentucky-Indiana Water Science Center
Description viii, 177 p.
Country United States
Other Geospatial Continental United States
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