
Floods in the Guayanilla-Yauco area, Puerto Rico

Hydrologic Atlas 414
Prepared in cooperation with the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico Department of Public Works



This report is a compilation of data pertaining to floods in Rios Guayanilla and Yauco and is based principally upon information obtained from residents in the study area. This information is a useful tool in making land-use and development decisions.

The Guayanilla and Yauco basins lie in the southwestern part of Puerto Rico. The streams flow southward from the rugged Cordillera Central and empty into Bahia de Guayanilla. The lower basins are devoted principally to the production of sugarcane and are subject to destructive floods. Details pertaining to basin features, flood frequency, flood profiles, and inundated areas are discussed by individual basins. All elevations given are in meters above mean sea level.

Study Area

Publication type Report
Publication Subtype USGS Numbered Series
Title Floods in the Guayanilla-Yauco area, Puerto Rico
Series title Hydrologic Atlas
Series number 414
DOI 10.3133/ha414
Year Published 1971
Language English
Publisher U.S. Geological Survey
Description 1 Plate: 43.57 x 36.94 inches
Country United States
State Puerto Rico
Other Geospatial Guayanilla-Yauco area
Datum Mean Sea Level
Scale 20000
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