The geologic and structure map of Choteau 1 x 2 degree quadrangle (Mudge and others, 1982) was originally converted to a digital format by Jeff Silkwood (U.S. Forest Service and completed by the U.S. Geological Survey staff and contractor at the Spokane Field Office (WA) in 2000 for input into a geographic information system (GIS). The resulting digital geologic map (GIS) database can be queried in many ways to produce a variey of geologic maps. Digital base map data files (topography, roads, towns, rivers and lakes, etc.) are not included: they may be obtained from a variety of commercial and government sources. This database is not meant to be used or displayed at any scale larger than 1:250,000 (e.g. 1:100,000 or 1:24,000. The digital geologic map graphics and plot files (chot250k.gra/.hp/.eps and chot-map.pdf) that are provided in the digital package are representations of the digital database. They are not designed to be cartographic products.