Geologic and aeromagnetic maps of the Fossil Ridge area and vicinity, Gunnison County, Colorado

IMAP 2738
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This data set includes a GIS geologic map database of an Early Proterozoic metavolcanic and metasedimentary terrane extensively intruded by Early and Middle Proterozoic granitic plutons. Laramide to Tertiary deformation and intrusion of felsic plutons have created numerous small mineral deposits that are described in the tables and are shown on the figures in the accompanying text pamphlet. Also included in the pamphlet are numerous chemical analyses of igneous and meta-igneous bodies of all ages in tables and in summary geochemical diagrams. The text pamphlet also contains a detailed description of map units and discussions of the aeromagnetic survey, igneous and metmorphic rocks, and mineral deposits. The printed map sheet and browse graphic pdf file include the aeromagnetic map of the study area, as well as figures and photographs. Purpose: This GIS geologic map database is provided to facilitate the presentation and analysis of earth-science data for this region of Colorado. This digital map database may be displayed at any scale or projection. However, the geologic data in this coverage are not intended for use at a scale other than 1:30,000. Supplemental useful data accompanying the database are extensive geochemical and mineral deposits data, as well as an aeromagnetic map.

Study Area

Publication type Report
Publication Subtype USGS Numbered Series
Title Geologic and aeromagnetic maps of the Fossil Ridge area and vicinity, Gunnison County, Colorado
Series title IMAP
Series number 2738
ISBN 0607959509
DOI 10.3133/i2738
Edition -
Year Published 2002
Language ENGLISH
Description 1 map : col. ; 77 x 85 cm., on sheet 101 x 137 cm., folded in envelope 30 x 24 cm. + 1 pamphlet (42 p. ; 28 cm.)
Scale 30000
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