Northern Everglades, Florida, satellite image map

IMAP 2756
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These satellite image maps are one product of the USGS Land Characteristics from Remote Sensing project, funded through the USGS Place-Based Studies Program with support from the Everglades National Park. The objective of this project is to develop and apply innovative remote sensing and geographic information system techniques to map the distribution of vegetation, vegetation characteristics, and related hydrologic variables through space and over time. The mapping and description of vegetation characteristics and their variations are necessary to accurately simulate surface hydrology and other surface processes in South Florida and to monitor land surface changes. As part of this research, data from many airborne and satellite imaging systems have been georeferenced and processed to facilitate data fusion and analysis. These image maps were created using image fusion techniques developed as part of this project.

Study Area

Publication type Report
Publication Subtype USGS Numbered Series
Title Northern Everglades, Florida, satellite image map
Series title IMAP
Series number 2756
DOI 10.3133/i2756
Edition -
Year Published 2002
Language ENGLISH
Description map
Scale 1
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