The geologic map of the Mount Trumbull 30' x 60' quadrangle is a cooperative product of the U.S. Geological Survey, the National Park Service, and the Bureau of Land Management that provides geologic map coverage and regional geologic information for visitor services and resource management of Grand Canyon National Park, Lake Mead Recreational Area, and Grand Canyon Parashant National Monument, Arizona. This map is a compilation of previous and new geologic mapping that encompasses the Mount Trumbull 30' x 60' quadrangle of Arizona.
This digital database, a compilation of previous and new geologic mapping, contains geologic data used to produce the 100,000-scale Geologic Map of the Mount Trumbull 30' x 60' Quadrangle, Mohave and Coconino Counties, Northwestern Arizona. The geologic features that were mapped as part of this project include: geologic contacts and faults, bedrock and surficial geologic units, structural data, fold axes, karst features, mines, and volcanic features.
This map was produced using 1:24,000-scale 1976 infrared aerial photographs followed by extensive field checking. Volcanic rocks were mapped as separate units when identified on aerial photographs as mappable and distinctly separate units associated with one or more pyroclastic cones and flows. Many of the Quaternary alluvial deposits that have similar lithology but different geomorphic characteristics were mapped almost entirely by photogeologic methods. Stratigraphic position and amount of erosional degradation were used to determine relative ages of alluvial deposits having similar lithologies. Each map unit and structure was investigated in detail in the field to ensure accuracy of description.
Punch-registered mylar sheets were scanned at the Flagstaff Field Center using an Optronics 5040 raster scanner at a resolution of 50 microns (508 dpi). The scans were output in .rle format, converted to .rlc, and then converted to ARC/INFO grids. A tic file was created in geographic coordinates and projected into the base map projection (Polyconic) using a central meridian of -113.500. The tic file was used to transform the grid into Universal Transverse Mercator projection.
The linework was vectorized using gridline. Scanned lines were edited interactively in ArcEdit. Polygons were attributed in ArcEdit and all artifacts and scanning errors visible at 1:100,000 were removed. Point data were digitized onscreen.
Due to the discovery of digital and geologic errors on the original files, the ARC/INFO coverages were converted to a personal geodatabase and corrected in ArcMap. The feature classes which define the geologic units, lines and polygons, are topologically related and maintained in the geodatabase by a set of validation rules.
The internal database structure and feature attributes were then modified to match other geologic map databases being created for the Grand Canyon region. Faults were edited with the downthrown block, if known, on the 'right side' of the line. The 'right' and 'left' sides of a line are determined from 'starting' at the line's 'from node' and moving to the line's end or 'to node'.