This publication is a set of three sheets of topographic maps that presents color-coded topographic data digitally merged with shaded relief data. Adopted figure: The figure for the Moon, used for the computation of the map projection, is a sphere with a radius of 1737.4 km. Because the Moon has no surface water, and hence no sea level, the datum (the 0 km contour) for elevations is defined as the radius of 1737.4 km. Coordinates are based on the mean Earth/polar axis (M.E.) coordinates system, the z axis is the axis of the Moon's rotation, and the x axis is the mean Earth direction. The center of mass is the origin of the coordinate system. The equator lies in the x-y plane and the prime meridian lies in the x-z plane with east longitude values being positive. Projection: The projection is Lambert Azimuthal Equal Area Projection. The scale factor at the central latitude and central longitude point is 1:10,000,000. For the near side hemisphere the central latitude and central longitude point is at 0° and 0°. For the far side hemisphere the central latitude and central longitude point is at 0° and 180°.