Phanerozoic structural features in the northern Midcontinent, U.S.A.

Miscellaneous Field Studies Map 1835-E
Prepared in cooperation with the Geological Surveys of Arkansas, Illinois, Iowa, Kansas, Kentucky, Minnesota, Missouri, Nebraska, Oklahoma, South Dakota, Tennessee, and Wisconsin
Compiled by: Raymond R. Anderson



Because Precambrian structural features may represent controls for undiscovered mineral deposits hosted by Phanerozoic sedimentary rocks, this map was prepared to evaluate the possibility of locating Precambrian structural features by their expression in the structures of the overlying Phanerozoic rocks. The map includes most known Phanerozoic structural features in the region: areas of Phanerozoic uplift or depression and Phanerozoic paleotopographic highs, as well as known and inferred Phanerozoic faults, synclines, and anticlines. Because many areas have been subjected to multiple tectonic episodes, many of these structures overlap. Different shades of pink and gray are used on the map to differentiate among these overlapping structures. The goal of this map compilation 1 to show the combined trends of multiple Phanerozoic structures that may define major buried Precambrian structures.

This map is part of a folio of maps and cross sections of the northern Midcontinent area (bounded by latitudes 36°-46° N, and longitudes 88°-100° W) prepared under the Midcontinent Strategic and Critical Minerals Project. This project is a cooperative activity between the U.S. Geological Survey and the geological Surveys of the included states, other maps in this folio include U.S. Geological Survey Miscellaneous Field Studies Map-1835-A through D (Magel, 1986; Jorgensen and others, 1987; Marvin, 1988; Pratt, 1987) and U.S. Geological Survey Open-File Report 86-0604 (Sims, 1985).

A preliminary examination of the map suggests that many of the major Precambrian structural features, as interpreted by Sins (1985), Sims and Peterman (1986), Anderson and Ludvigson (1986), and others, are reflected in the trends of some of the mapped Phanerozoic structures. Other Phanerozoic structural trends do not appear to relate to any known Precambrian features.

Study Area

Publication type Report
Publication Subtype USGS Numbered Series
Title Phanerozoic structural features in the northern Midcontinent, U.S.A.
Series title Miscellaneous Field Studies Map
Series number 1835
Chapter E
DOI 10.3133/mf1835E
Year Published 1988
Language English
Publisher U.S. Geological Survey
Description Map: 41.79 x 56.60 inches
Country United States
State Arkansas, Illinois, Iowa, Kansas, Kentucky, Minnesota, Missouri, Nebraska, Oklahoma, South Dakota, Tennessee, Wisconsin
Scale 1000000
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