A computer application called Chemical
Help was developed to facilitate review of reports
for the National Highway Runoff Water-Quality
Data and Methodology Synthesis (NDAMS). The
application provides a tool to quickly find a proper
classification for any constituent in the NDAMS
review sheets. Chemical Help contents include the
name of each water-quality property, constituent,
or parameter, the section number within the
NDAMS review sheet, the organizational levels
within a classification hierarchy, the database
number, and where appropriate, the chemical
formula, the Chemical Abstract Service number,
and a list of synonyms (for the organic chemicals).
Therefore, Chemical Help provides information
necessary to research available reference data for
the water-quality properties and constituents of
potential interest in stormwater studies. Chemical
Help is implemented in the Microsoft help-system
interface. (Computer files for the use and
documentation of Chemical Help are included on
an accompanying diskette.)