This bibliography of Klamath Mountains geology was begun, although not in a systematic or comprehensive way, when, in 1953, I was assigned the task of preparing a report on the geology and mineral resources of the drainage basins of the Trinity, Klamath, and Eel Rivers in northwestern California. During the following 40 or more years, I maintained an active interest in the Klamath Mountains region and continued to collect bibliographic references to the various reports and maps of Klamath geology that came to my attention. When I retired in 1989 and became a Geologist Emeritus with the Geological Survey, I had a large amount of bibliographic material in my files. Believing that a comprehensive bibliography of a region is a valuable research tool, I have expended substantial effort to make this bibliography of the Klamath Mountains as complete as is reasonably feasible. My aim was to include all published reports and maps that pertain primarily to the Klamath Mountains, as well as all pertinent doctoral and master's theses. In addition, I included reports in which the Klamath Mountains are of significance but not the primary focus; these latter kinds are mostly reports that correlate the Klamath terranes with those of other provinces, that compare the genesis of Klamath rocks with those elsewhere, or that include the Klamath Mountains in a continental framework. Reports describing the geology of the overlap sequences such as the Great Valley sequence, Hornbrook Formation, and Tertiary sediments and volcanics are included where those rocks lie within the limits of the Klamath Mountains province, but are only selectively included where the overlap sequences are mainly peripheral to the province. The alphabetical part of the bibliography consists of approximately 1700 entries. The list of primary references probably is virtually complete through 1994 and includes some 1995 references. The earliest reference is to James Dwight Dana in 1849. In order to restrict the size of the topical part of the bibliography to reasonable limits, each reference is listed under only one subject although many references may be applicable to two or more subjects. Titles in the topical section are abbreviated to conserve space and still retain identity. The bibliography was compiled from a variety of sources. Some of the references have not been checked against the original publications for accuracy. Caveat emptor! I would appreciate being informed of any errors or ommissions in order that a corrected and updated version of the bibliography may be prepared. I thank Nancy Blair for assistance in verifying some of the references, and thank Mary Donato and Robert Brown for helpful suggestions regarding the topical part of the bibliography.
Since the first version of this bibliography was released in 1995, the total number of entries has increased from approximately 1700 to 1937, which indicates a continued high interest in the geology of the Klamath Mountains province. The total number of entries includes 73 Ph.D. theses and 123 Masters theses representing 26 universities.