Analytical results on sediment and associated ground water from the Canadian River alluvium collected subsequent to those described in Breit and others (2005) are presented in this report. The data presented herein were collected primarily to evaluate the iron and sulfur species within the sediment at well sites IC 36, IC 54, and IC South located at the USGS Norman Landfill study site. Cored sediment and water samples were collected during October 2004 and April 2005. The 52 sediment samples collected by coring were analyzed to determine grain size, the abundance of extractable iron species, and the abundance of sulfur forms and their isotopic compositions. Ground water was collected from cluster wells that sampled ground water from 11 to 15 screened intervals at each of the three sites. The depth range of the wells overlapped the interval of cored sediment. Concentrations of major ions, dissolved organic carbon (DOC), ammonium, and iron are reported with pH, specific conductance, and the isotopic composition of the water for the 75 water samples analyzed. Dissolved sulfate in selected water samples was analyzed to determine its sulfur and oxygen isotope composition.