The general location and age of more than 33,500 mostly foraminifer samples from Chevron surface localities in nearly 600 U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) 7.5' quadrangles from California were provided by Brabb and Parker (2003). Barren and non-diagnostic samples plus many that have no paleontologic information were omitted to provide a revised list for more than 27,000 of these samples by Brabb and Parker (2005). The locations for many of these samples were recorded by Chevron geoscientists on topographic maps (originals now in the USGS Library in Menlo Park, Calif.). The recent availability of digital databases for geologic and topographic maps has provided the opportunity to prepare a database of the locations of these Chevron samples so that the information can be combined with geology and topography for plotting or geospatial analysis. This report provides specific locations for more than 13,000 samples in central California that have enough paleontologic information to determine their age but omits thousands of samples that are too closely spaced to differentiate or those that have only a general location.