A band of severe thunderstorms at the end of August 2004 and the passage of the remnants of Hurricanes Frances and Ivan during September 2004 caused severe flooding in eastern Ohio during August and September 2004. Record peak streamflow occurred at 12 U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) streamgages. Damages caused by the flooding produced by these storms were severe enough for 21 counties in eastern Ohio to be declared Federal disaster areas. In all, there were 4 storm- or flood-related deaths, 2,563 private structures damaged or destroyed, and an estimated $81 million in damages.
This report describes the meteorological factors that resulted in severe flooding in eastern Ohio during August 27-September 27, 2004, and examines the damages caused by the storms and flooding. Peak-stage, peak-streamflow, and recurrence-interval data are reported for selected USGS streamgages. Flood profiles determined by the USGS are presented for selected streams.