Major flooding occurred June 8-9, 2008, in the Upper Iowa River Basin in northeast Iowa following severe thunderstorm activity over the region. About 7 inches of rain were recorded for the 48-hour period ending 4 p.m., June 8, at Decorah, Iowa; more than 7 inches of rain were recorded for the 48-hour period ending 7 a.m., June 8, at Dorchester, Iowa, about 17 miles northeast of Decorah. The maximum peak discharge measured in the Upper Iowa River was 34,100 cubic feet per second at streamgage 05387500 Upper Iowa River at Decorah, Iowa. This discharge is the largest discharge recorded in the Upper Iowa River Basin since streamgaging operations began in the basin in 1914. The flood-probability range of the peak discharge is 0.2 to 1 percent. High-water marks were measured at 15 locations along the Upper Iowa River between State Highway 26 near the mouth at the Mississippi River and U.S. Highway 63 at Chester, Iowa, a distance of 124 river miles. The high-water marks were used to develop a flood profile.