Evaluation of the Eureka Manta2 Water-Quality Multiprobe Sonde

Open-File Report 2017-1118



Two Eureka Manta2 3.5 water-quality multiprobe sondes by Eureka Water Probes were tested at the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) Hydrologic Instrumentation Facility (HIF) against known standards over the sonde operating temperatures to verify the manufacturer’s stated accuracy specifications for pH, specific conductance (SC) at 25 degrees Celsius (°C), dissolved oxygen (DO), and turbidity. The Manta2 sondes were evaluated for compliance with the USGS National Field Manual for the Collection of Water-Quality Data (NFM) criteria for continuous water-quality monitors, and for compliance with the manufacturer’s technical specifications. The Manta2 was also evaluated for its compliance to Serial Digital Interface at 1200 baud (SDI-12) version 1.3.

The Manta2 met the NFM recommendations and manufacturer’s accuracy specifications for DO and turbidity at all values tested. The Manta2 pH sensors met the NFM recommendations and manufacturer’s accuracy specification for nominal pH values of 10 and lower. One of the two sensors was out of compliance by 1.2 units for pH 11.16 at 15 °C and by 0.25 unit for pH 10.78 at 40 °C. The Manta2 sensors were within the NFM recommendations for SC, except at 100 microsiemens (μS/cm) at 40 °C, where the SC sensor exceeded the test standard value by as much as 25 percent. One of two sensors was within manufacturer’s accuracy specifications at 25 °C for all the tested SC values, while the other SC sensor was outside the manufacturer’s accuracy specifications at 100 μS/cm, exceeding the test standard value by 9 percent. One of two sensors was outside the manufacturer’s accuracy specifications at 10,000 μS/cm at 15°C, exceeding the test standard value by 3 percent. One Manta2 passed SDI-12 compliance testing with a NR Systems SDI-12 Verifier. One Manta2 was field tested for 6 weeks at USGS station 02492620, National Space Technology Laboratories (NSTL) Station, Mississippi, on the Pearl River and showed overall good agreement with a well-maintained Hydrolab Datasonde 5X site sonde for water temperature, pH, and DO. Differences in SC values between the Manta2 and the site sonde were most likely due to differences in the deployment depth of the sondes.

Suggested Citation

Tillman, E.F., 2017, Evaluation of the Eureka Manta2 Water-Quality Multiprobe Sonde: U.S. Geological Survey Open-File Report 2017–1118, 37 p., https://doi.org/10.3133/ofr20171118.

ISSN: 2331-1258 (online)

Table of Contents

  • Abstract
  • Introduction
  • Description
  • Test Procedures
  • Summary
  • References Cited
Publication type Report
Publication Subtype USGS Numbered Series
Title Evaluation of the Eureka Manta2 Water-Quality Multiprobe Sonde
Series title Open-File Report
Series number 2017-1118
DOI 10.3133/ofr20171118
Year Published 2017
Language English
Publisher U.S. Geological Survey
Publisher location Reston, VA
Contributing office(s) Office of Surface Water
Description vi, 37 p.
Online Only (Y/N) Y
Additional Online Files (Y/N) N
Google Analytic Metrics Metrics page
Additional publication details