Beaver Creek is an 857 square-mile area in south-central Oklahoma. The tributaries head at an altitude as high as 1,400 feet and the mouth of Beaver Creek is at an altitude of 804 feet. Alluvial material has been deposited along all the major streams in the basin. The alluvium contains a high percentage of clay and fine sand and ranges in thickness from a few inches to 50 feet.
Replenishment of water in the alluvium is from precipitation, lateral seepage and runoff from adjoining areas, and infiltration from the streams during high flows.
The town of Ryan and Waurika have constructed municipal water-supply wells topping the alluvium and residents of the town of Sugden have private wells topping the alluvium. The other major use of ground water is transpiration by trees, which are very dense where the alluvial plain is wide.
In the northern part of the basin the alluvium is thin and only domestic water supplies are available.
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