Water supply for a fish hatchery site, Clearwater Valley, Idaho

Open-File Report 62-94
Prepared in cooperation with the U.S. Bureau of Sport Fisheries and Wildlife
By:  and 



A fish hatchery proposed for the lower Clearwater River basin would require a continuous water supply of 10 to 12 cubic feet per second. Limitations on maximum and minimum temperatures and on turbidity are such that a combination surface-and ground-water supply probably would be required. Six prospective sites were examined with respect to their water supply. The sites were at the mouths of Orofino, Jim Fork, Lolo, Lawyer, Clear, and Cottonwood Creeks. The geology and ground-water hydrology were studied to determine the potential ground-water supply at each of the sites. Spot measurements were made on the six tributary streams and comparative studies were made with records on nearby streams to determine probable minimum flows. Of the six sites studied, only one, at the mouth of Clear Creek, had a favorable potential for both surface-and ground-water supply. As an alternative to the Clear Creek site, a location along the South Fork Clearwater River near Kooskia might be considered.

Study Area

Publication type Report
Publication Subtype USGS Numbered Series
Title Water supply for a fish hatchery site, Clearwater Valley, Idaho
Series title Open-File Report
Series number 62-94
DOI 10.3133/ofr6294
Year Published 1962
Language English
Publisher U.S. Geological Survey
Contributing office(s) Idaho Water Science Center
Description Report: iii. 35 p.; 4 plates: 14.12 x 10.22 inches and smaller
Country United States
State Idaho
Other Geospatial Clearwater Valley
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