Review of waterpower classifications and withdrawals, Pit River basin, California

Open-File Report 74-64



The purpose of this report is to evaluate the existing waterpower classifications of the Geological Survey in the Pit River basin relative to the most recent water resources information and planning. A detailed description of Geological Survey classifications is given on pages 40 and 41. In a following section each classification is identified, subsequent actions are summarized, and conclusions are given pertaining to the disposition of the lands involved.

The report advocates the revocation of Geological Survey classifications affecting 13,985 acres and the retention of 1,883 acres in existing classifications. No new classifications are recommended at this time. The proposed revocations will in no way affect the withdrawals resulting from filings for preliminary permits or licenses under the Federal Power Act.

The review of Geological Survey classifications necessarily involves a companion study of waterpower withdrawals in connection with Federal Power Commission projects which are under the jurisdiction of the Federal Power Commission. A detailed description of these actions is given on pages 75 and 76 followed by a general description of all Federal Power Commission projects in the study area. The affected lands are identified and recommendations are made pertaining to the disposition of the lands. In the Pit River basin there are about 8,553 acres in Federal Power Commission project withdrawal of which 1,963 acres have negligible power value.

The appraisal of land classifications and withdrawals is based upon the current status of planning for future water resources development and an investigation of existing constructed projects, water supply, water rights, land topography, and other land uses. Conclusions concerning Geological Survey classifications are based on a tract-by-tract evaluation as some actions cover widely scattered potentialities; however, recommendations relating to Federal Power Commission project withdrawals are based on an evaluation of the purpose of each filing.

This report has been reviewed by the following agencies: The Resources Agency of California; Sacramento, CA., Soil Conservation Service, North Cal-Neva RC&D Project; Cedarville, CA., Soil Conservation Service, Red Bluff, CA., Bureau of Reclamation, Sacramento, CA., and U.S. Forest Service, San Francisco, CA. Revisions have been made as a result of the comments received.

Study Area

Publication type Report
Publication Subtype USGS Numbered Series
Title Review of waterpower classifications and withdrawals, Pit River basin, California
Series title Open-File Report
Series number 74-64
DOI 10.3133/ofr7464
Year Published 1974
Language English
Publisher U.S. Geological Survey
Description Report: iii, 102 p.; 1 Plate: 30.96 x 25.53 inches
Country United States
State California
Other Geospatial Pit River basin
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