Reconnaissance engineering geology of the Ketchikan area, Alaska, with emphasis on evaluation of earthquake and other geologic hazards
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The Alaska earthquake of March 27, 1964, dramatically emphasized the need for engineering geologic studies of urban areas in seismically active regions. A reconnaissance study of the Ketchikan area in southeastern Alaska is part of a program to evaluate earthquake and other geologic hazards in most of the larger Alaska coastal communities. These evaluations in the Ketchikan area should provide broad guidelines useful in city and land-use planning.
Ketchikan, which had a population of approximately 7,000 in 1970, is built on the southwestern end of Revillagigedo Island along the northeastern coastline of Tongass Narrows. Altitudes reach 1,000 feet (305 m) within half a mile (0.8 km) of the coast and near-vertical cliffs characterize the terrain in places. The climate is predominantly marine. Average precipitation is approximately 152 inches (386 cm).
The Ketchikan area was covered by glacier ice at least once and probably several times during the Pleistocene Epoch. The present topography, characterized by elongate lakes, U-shaped valleys, fiords, inlets, and passages, clearly reflects the effects of glaciation. The presence of emergent marine deposits, at least 300 feet (91 m) above sea level, shows that the land has been uplifted relative to sea level since the last deglaciation of the region.
Bedrock is exposed or is near the surface throughout most of the mapped area. The bedrock consists chiefly of metamorphic rocks. In a few places these rocks have been intruded by igneous rocks. Exposed metamorphic rocks are mostly thinly foliated schists and phyllites, metamorphosed to greenschist facies. Foliation generally strikes northwest with moderate to steep dips to the northeast. Most of the rock is fairly competent and near-vertical cuts tend to be stable. The more indurated metamorphic rock can be used for riprap, but more durable blocks generally can be obtained from the igneous rock.
The surficial deposits have been divided into the following map units on the basis of their time of deposition, mode of origin, and grain size: (1) undifferentiated drift (Qd), (2) elevated marine deposits (Qm), (3) stream alluvium (Qa), (4) fan-delta deposits (Qf), and (5) modern beach deposits (Qb). Manmade fill (f) also is mapped as a separate unit. Muskeg, colluvium, and offshore deposits are not included as map units but are discussed in the report under the heading "Surficial deposits (not shown on map)." The undifferentiated drift deposits consist mostly of till or other diamictons, generally less than 25 feet (7.6 m) thick. Exposed elevated marine deposits (Qm) generally consist of sand and gravel less than 5 feet (1.5 m) thick. Stream alluvium (Qa) is chiefly sand, gravel, cobbles, and boulders probably everywhere less than 15 feet (4.6 m) thick. Fan-delta deposits (Qf) consist mostly of loose sand, gravel, and boulders as much as 50 feet (15 m) thick. Modern beach deposits (Qb) are mostly loose sand and gravel generally less than 10 feet (3 m) thick. Two basically different types of manmade fill are present: (1) large fills along the waterfront, commonly 5 to 15 feet (1.5-4.6 m) thick, consisting of silt, sand, gravel, rock, and diverse other materials, and (2) fills, generally less than 10 feet (3 m) thick and consisting of sand, gravel, or crushed rock, placed inland from the waterfront and used as pads for buildings and parking areas. Fairly thick deposits of muskeg may be present in the southeastern part of the mapped area but have not been examined in the field. Colluvial deposits, locally 5 to 8 feet (1.5-2.4 m) thick, consist mostly of decomposing bedrock fragments. Offshore deposits are poorly known; near-shore loose sand and gravel rest on a sloping bedrock surface.
Southeastern Alaska lies within the circum-Pacific seismic belt that rims the northern Pacific Basin and has been tectonically active since at least early Paleozoic time. Large-scale faulting has been common. The two most prominent fault systems in southeastern Alaska and surrounding regions are (1) the Denali fault system, and (2) the Fairweather-Queen Charlotte Islands fault system. Of the two, the Fairweather-Queen Charlotte Islands fault system is the more active and of most significance in relation to the Ketchikan area. Ketchikan lies within the northwest trend of the Gravina-Nutzotin belt of fault thrusting. The trends of at least some of the linear fiords near the mapped area are controlled by faults. However, it is not known whether a major fault extends up Tongass Narrows offshore from Ketchikan.
Between 1899 and 1970, five earthquakes having magnitudes of 8 or greater occurred in or near southeastern Alaska or in adjacent offshore areas; three have occurred having magnitudes of between 7 and 8, at least eight with magnitudes of between 6 and 7, 15 with magnitudes of between 5 and 6, and about 140 have been recorded with magnitudes of less than 5 or of unassigned magnitudes. All of the earthquakes with magnitudes greater than 8, and a large proportion of the others, appear to be related to the Fair-weather-Queen Charlotte Islands fault system or to the connecting Chugach-St. Elias fault to the northwest. Within a 50-mile (80-km) radius of Ketchikan, epicenters of three earthquakes with magnitudes of 5 or less have been recorded. Within a radius of 100 miles (160 km), 10 epicenters have been recorded, two with magnitudes between 6 and 7 and eight with magnitudes of 5 or less. Although no instrumentally recorded earthquakes had epicenters in the mapped area, at least 32 earthquakes that had epicenters elsewhere were felt or possibly felt in Ketchikan. Most of these earthquakes probably had epicenters along the Queen Charlotte Islands fault.
Ketchikan is tentatively assigned by me to seismic zone 2. This is a zone in which magnitudes of the largest expectable earthquake would range from 4.5 to 6.0 and where moderate damage could be expected. Large earthquakes of magnitude 8 or greater, however, can be expected to occur from time to time along the Queen Charlotte Islands fault. Ground motion from these earthquakes, although attenuated with distance, may still be sufficiently strong at Ketchikan to cause substantial damage.
Possible future earthquake effects include: (1) land-level changes caused by local faulting or by large-scale regional deformation, (2) ground shaking, (3) compaction, (4) liquefaction, (5) subaerial and submarine sliding, (6) water-sediment ejection and ground fracturing, (7) reaction of sensitive and quick clays, and (8) effects of tsunamis, seiches, and other abnormal water waves. Although land-level changes due to local faulting are unlikely, large-scale regional deformation may cause uplift or subsidence in Ketchikan. Adverse effects would be confined mainly to the waterfront area. This area also would be most heavily damaged if Ketchikan were strongly shaken by an earthquake. Nonengineered, loose, manmade fills and fan-delta deposits in this area probably would be subject to the strongest shaking. These deposits probably also are most subject to compaction, liquefaction, sliding, and water-sediment ejection. Earthquake effects expectably would be considerably fewer and less severe for the part of Ketchikan upslope from the harbor area because bedrock is at or near the surface in large parts of the area. No sensitive clays have been identified but, if present, they probably are confined to the till and other diamicton deposits in the northeastern part of the mapped area. Tsunami waves are not expected to have a local generation source. Those arriving from a distant source, although potentially highly destructive, probably would be greatly attenuated before arriving at Ketchikan. Seiche waves may develop on lakes near the mapped area and possibly cause failure of earth-fill dams. Destructive waves generated by earthquake-induced local submarine sliding appear to be unlikely in the Ketchikan area.
Geologic hazards in the area that are not caused by earthquakes are believed to be relatively minor. They include: (1) landsliding and subaqueous sliding, and (2) flooding. Only minor landsliding has occurred in the mapped area, but the potential for sliding may increase as the city expands and heavily timbered areas are cleared, with attendant accelerated erosion and mass wasting. The greatest potential for subaqueous sliding is along the shoreline, where fairly thick fan-delta deposits rest on a sloping bedrock surface. Periodic flooding has occurred on some creeks in the mapped area and can be expected to occur from time to time in the future.
In order that more accurate evaluations of geologic hazards can be made in the future, several recommendations are made for additional studies.
Study Area
Publication type | Report |
Publication Subtype | USGS Numbered Series |
Title | Reconnaissance engineering geology of the Ketchikan area, Alaska, with emphasis on evaluation of earthquake and other geologic hazards |
Series title | Open-File Report |
Series number | 75-250 |
DOI | 10.3133/ofr75250 |
Year Published | 1975 |
Language | English |
Publisher | U.S. Geological Survey |
Description | Report: iii, 65 p.; 1 Plate: 53.36 x 18.70 inches |
Country | United States |
State | Alaska |
City | Ketchikan |
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