Discharge data were computed for a network of water-quality monitoring stations operated throughout Arkansas by the Arkansas Department of Pollution Control and Ecology. Each site is numbered and described. Some of the sites are located at U.S. Geological Survey or U.S. Army Corps of Engineers daily-discharge stations, but most are at points where discharges are not regularly measured. Data were obtained as follows: (1) For sites located at gaging stations, discharges were obtained from Geological Survey and Corps of Engineers annual publications; (2) for sites not too distant from gaging stations, discharges were estimated by using gaging-station records; and (3) for other sites, a series of discharge measurements were made at each site to define a stage-discharge curve from which discharge was computed. Discharges on days of sampling were determined for about 90 of the sites. A tabular summary for the water year 1978 is given. Several discharges for miscellaneous dates in the 1977 water year are shown. (Kosco-USGS)