Quaternary stratigraphic sections with radiocarbon dates, Chandler Lake Quadrangle, Alaska
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Twenty-eight organic samples from 17 localities in the Anaktuvuk, Tulunga, and Itkillik Valleys and at Shainin Lake range in age from more than 40,000 to about 1000 14C yr B.P. These dates, combined with fossil identifications and measured stratigraphic sections, provide significant insights into the history of glaciation, climatic change, and related events of late Quaternary time in the north-central Brooks Range.
Two dates from Tulunga Valley show that peat-forming intervals during the middle Wisconsin and during an earlier period were terminated by episodes of loess accretion that probably correspond to glaciations in the Brooks Range.
The Anayaknaurak Bluff exposure in Anaktuvuk Valley contains a weathered till of the Banded Mountain (Itkillik I) glaciation overlain by unweathered outwash gravel of Antler Valley (Itkillik II) age. Radiocarbon dates from finer alluvium above the outwash indicate that a subsequent glacial readvance north of the range front occurred shortly after 13,000 yr B.P. This event was synchronous with a major glacial readvance that culminated between about 12,900 and 12,700 yr B.P. farther east in the Atigun and Sagavanirktok Valleys.
Additional dates from Anaktuvuk Valley show that glacier ice had retreated from the Antler Valley end-moraine complex by 10,600 yr B.P. The elongate basin that formed behind the moraine dam was being filled by alluvium at this time, and filling continued as late as 6200 yr B.P. near the range front. A possible climatic reversal during this interval is suggested by dates from Anaktuvuk Valley and from Toolik Valley farther east, which show peat formation between about 9500 and 8200 yr B.P. followed by solifluction and fan-building.
Soil test pits and other excavations near Anaktuvuk Pass show that the pass was deglaciated some time prior to 7250 yr B.P., and was suitable for human habitation by at least 6500 yr B.P. Dated buried peat suggests a change to more severe frost climate sometime after about 4750 yr B.P.
Other dates from the Chandler Lake quadrangle bear mainly on formation of low (generally 2.5 to 6 m) river terraces during intervals of renewed glaciation at valley heads during the late Holocene. Neoglaciation in the north-central Brooks Range evidently began about 3500 yr B.P., or at least was perceptible by this time as increased loess influx to sites north of the range front. Stream alluviation was in progress 2800-2700 yr B.P. at sites near Anaktuvuk Pass, and continued until sometime after 2000 yr B.P. Final phases of alluviation began about 1200 and 450 yr B.P. Independent dating of cirque-glacier advances by lichenometry supports the alluvial chronology and suggests that alluviation was controlled largely by increased sediment yield to streams during times of cirque-glacier expansion and increased rock-glacier activity.
Study Area
Publication type | Report |
Publication Subtype | USGS Numbered Series |
Title | Quaternary stratigraphic sections with radiocarbon dates, Chandler Lake Quadrangle, Alaska |
Series title | Open-File Report |
Series number | 80-790 |
DOI | 10.3133/ofr80790 |
Year Published | 1980 |
Language | English |
Publisher | U.S. Geological Survey |
Description | ii, 28 p. |
Country | United States |
State | Alaska |
Other Geospatial | Chandler Lake Quadrangle |
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