Regression equations are presented to predict ephemeral streamflow characteristics in the San Juan Basin in northwestern New Mexico. The standard error of estimate for predicting runoff for water year 1978 using drainage area as the independent variable was 152 percent. Indications are that reliable equations for predicating annual runoff can be developed and the standard error of estimate might be reduced significantly with additional years of record. The coefficient of regression when relating drainage area to runoff for water year 1978 was significant at the 1-percent level. Preliminary results also indicate it is feasible to predict streamflow characteristics using hyrologic soil-group classifications based on runoff potential. The standard error of estimate for predicting peak discharges with recurrence intervals of 2, 5, 10, 25, 50, and 100 years using active-channel width as the independent variable averaged about 50 percent, and the regression coefficient was significant at the 1-percent level. Using drainage area to predict peak discharges resulted in a standard error of estimate that averaged about 60 percent and a regression coefficient significant at the 5-percent level. The standard error of estimate averaged about 45 percent when active-channel width and drainage area were related to peak discharges in multiple regression analyses. (USGS)