From October 1976 to September 1978 the U.S. Geological Survey made a reconnaissance evaluation of the fluvial-sediment transport and documented the natural streamflow characteristics in the Quillayute River basin in northwestern Washington. Most of the flow originates from the tributaries, the Soleduck, Bogachiel, and Calawah Rivers. Flow in the summer months from the Calawah River is about half that from either the Bogachiel or Soleduck Rivers. In the winter months flow from the Soleduck River is about 1 1/2 times that of the Bogachiel or Calawah Rivers. In general, the highest monthly flows during the winter are about 10 times greater than the lowest monthly flows during the summer except for the Dickey River where winter flows are about 20 times greater. Annual mean discharges may vary greatly from year to year, ranging from about 1/2 to 1 1/2 times the mean annual discharge. For the study period, the observed suspended-sediment concentration ranged from less than 1 to 2 ,150 milligrams per liter. The estimated mean annual suspended-sediment discharges were: Bogachiel River--400,000 tons (includes Calawah River); Calawah River--120,000 tons; Soleduck River--120,000 tons; Dickey River--75,000 tons; and other tributaries--10,000 tons, for a total of 606,000 tons transported annually by the Quillayute River. The estimated annual bedload of 21,000 tons was transported into the Quillayute River by the Soleduck, Bogachiel, and Dickey Rivers. (USGS)