Quantitative information concerning pumpage by irrigation wells is an integral component of the U.S. Geological Survey High Plains Regional Aquifer System Analysis. Thus, operation time, discharge rate, and irrigated acreage were measured at approximately 450 randomly selected irrigation wells within 10 areas of the High Plains during the 1980 irrigation season. The data were used to estimate the seasonal mean application of water to crops and to project total pumpage by irrigation wells in 1980 throughout the High Plains area. As part of the sampling effort, 50 irrigation wells were randomly chosen from the area of eastern Laramie County, Wyoming, and Kimball County, Nebraska. Required information was collected on only 40 of the wells. For these wells, the seasonal mean application of water on the irrigated land was 15.2 inches. For the major crop types, the seasonal mean application, in inches, were as follows: alfalfa, 19.8; corn, 15.4; potatoes, 13.8; beans, 12.8; and small grains 10.2. (USGS)