Nevada - basic data for thermal springs and wells as recorded in Geotherm; Part A

Open-File Report 83-433-A



GEOTHERM, a computerized information system now off-line, was used to maintain data on the geology, geochemistry and hydrology of geothermal sites primarily within the United States. The system was proposed at the First Geothermal Implementation Conference in New Zealand in 1974 (Swanson, 1977) and was active until 1983. The primary mission was to provide a broad informational framework for the Geothermal Research Program (Duffield and Guffanti, 1981). GEOTHERM was used to support national geothermal assessments--in 1978 (Muffler, 1979) and 1982 (Reed, 1983). It was however a public system and provided data to both public and private sectors. A detailed discussion on databases in GEOTHERM and a general scheme of how the information system operated can be found in Bliss and Rapport (1983).

This report on Nevada is one of a series intended to preserve the data collected for GEOTHERM and make the data available to the public. This report will give summaries and sources of records for Nevada. The complete records for Nevada can be found in a companion report, U.S. Geological Survey Open-File Report 83-433B, which is issued as MICROFICHE ONLY. States with significant geochemical data for geothermal fluids will be covered in individual reports such as this. A report will also be issued to cover miscellaneous data collected for sites in the central and eastern United States. The data presented this series is also available as a data file on the internationally-available General Electric Mark III service, a timeshare network. Those interested in accessing that system should contact the Energy Resource Center, University of Oklahoma, Norman, Oklahoma 73070. It is anticipated that a portion of the data will also be available on magnetic tape from the National Technical Information Service, U. S. Department of Commerce, Springfield, VA 22161. It will not be available until after the completion of the open-file series.

Study Area

Publication type Report
Publication Subtype USGS Numbered Series
Title Nevada - basic data for thermal springs and wells as recorded in Geotherm; Part A
Series title Open-File Report
Series number 83-433
Chapter A
DOI 10.3133/ofr83433A
Year Published 1983
Language English
Publisher U.S. Geological Survey
Description 101 p.
Country United States
State Nevada
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