Water-use computer programs for Florida

Open-File Report 84-442



Using U.S. Geological Survey computer programs L149-L153, this report shows how to process water-use data for the functional water-use categories: public supply, rural supply, industrial self-supplied, irrigation, and thermo-electric power generation. The programs are used to selectively retrieve entries and list them in a format suitable for publication. Instructions are given for coding cards to produce tables of water-use data for each of the functional use categories. These cards contain entries that identify a particular water-use data-collection site in Florida. Entries on the cards include location information such as county code, water management district code, hydrologic unit code, and, where applicable, a site name and number. Annual and monthly pumpage is included. These entries are shown with several different headings; for example, surface water or ground water, freshwater or saline pumpages, or consumptive use. All the programs use a similar approach; however, the actual programs differ with each functional water-use category and are discussed separately. Data prepared for these programs can also be processed by the National Water-Use Data System. (USGS)
Publication type Report
Publication Subtype USGS Numbered Series
Title Water-use computer programs for Florida
Series title Open-File Report
Series number 84-442
DOI 10.3133/ofr84442
Edition -
Year Published 1984
Language ENGLISH
Publisher U.S. Geological Survey,
Description vii, 98 p. :tables ;28 cm.
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