Machine-readable geohydrologic data for Precambrian through Cretaceous rocks in Kansas were compiled as part of the USGS Central Midwest Regional Aquifer System Analysis. The geohydrologic data include log, water quality, water level, hydraulics, and water use information. The log data consist of depths to the top of selected geologic formations determined from about 275 sites with geophysical logs and formation lithologies from about 190 sites with lithologic logs. The water quality data consist of about 10,800 analyses, of which about 1 ,200 are proprietary. The water level data consist of about 4 ,480 measured water levels and about 4,175 equivalent freshwater hydraulic heads, of which about 3,745 are proprietary. The hydraulics data consist of results from about 30 specific capacity tests and about 20 aquifer tests, and interpretations of about 285 drill stem tests (of which about 60 are proprietary) and about 75 core-sample analyses. The water use data consist of estimates of freshwater withdrawals from Precambrian through Cretaceous geohydrologic units for each of the 105 counties in Kansas. Average yearly withdrawals were estimated for each decade from 1940 to 1980. All the log and water use data and the nonproprietary parts of the water quality , water level, and hydraulics data are available on magnetic tape from the USGS office in Lawrence, Kansas. (Author 's abstract)