The two types of water-resources activities of the Wyoming District are collection of hydrologic data and water-resources-appraisal projects. Much of the work is done in cooperation with other agencies; during fiscal year 1986 and 1987 cooperators included eight State agencies, two counties, one municipality and seven Federal agencies. This report serves both as a biennial progress report to the cooperating agencies and the general public, and as one means of coordination of water-resources activities with other agencies. Lists and location maps are included for 162 streamflow stations, 15 reservoirs stations, 107 surface-water-quality stations, 24 sediment stations, and 89 groundwater observation wells, all of which were in operation at the beginning of water year 1987. During fiscal years 1985 and 1986, 12 streamflow stations, 39 surface-water-quality stations, six sediment stations, and five groundwater-observation wells were discontinued. Descriptions, location maps, and progress statements are given for four data-collection projects and 23 water-resources-appraisal projects that were active (funded) during fiscal year 1986 and (or) fiscal year 1987. Also included are a list of nine projects for which funding ended prior to 1986 and that are completed except for the final report(s), and a list of four new projects that will be funded during fiscal year 1987. The final section of the report is a bibliographic listing of reports about the water resources of Wyoming, prepared by the U.S. Geological Survey authors. (USGS)