This report is a compilation of previously published miscellaneous streamflow measurements made in Washington State by the U.S. Geological Survey between January 1961 and September 1985. It is a supplement to a volume of similar data for the period 1890 to January 1961. The data include stream name and stream to which it is tributary, latitude and longitude, county code, hydrologic unit code, land-line location, drainage area, and measurement dates and discharges. In general, the data sites are not at gaging stations; however, some data are given for gaging station sites during periods when the stations were not in operation. All data in this report have been entered into a computerized data base that includes the data for the period 1890 to January 1961. The data can be retrieved in a variety of ways, such as by county, by hydrologic unit code, by river basin , or by size of drainage area. (USGS)