This report presents geohydrologic, groundwater quality, and streamflow data collected for a study of stratified-drift aquifers in the lower Merrimack and coastal river basins in southeastern New Hampshire. The study was conducted from October 1985-October 1988 in cooperation with the State of New Hampshire Department of Environmental Services, Water Resources Division. The data include information on 1,232 inventory sites, 66 exploration boreholes drilled for this study, and grain-size analyses of 61 split-spoon sediment samples. Water-level data were collected from 33 observation wells drilled during the course of the project . Water-quality analyses collected during this study are presented for 24 observation and 6 public supply wells. Water-quality properties measured in the field include temperature, specific conductance, dissolved oxygen concentration, and pH. Samples from the 30 wells were analyzed in the laboratory for nutrients, common anions and cations, and selected volatile organic compounds . Streamflow data are presented for 16 sites.