Base-flow data were collected from selected sites within the Little West Fork Red River basin during high and low base-flow conditions in order to support a study of the source and movement of ground water that supplies the Fort Campbell Military Reservation. Stream and spring discharge, water temperature, and specific-conductance data were collected during low base-flow conditions from 64 sites on September 1 and 13, 1993, and from 64 sites on March 17 and 18, 1994. Discharge was greater during high base-flow conditions than low base-flow conditions. Major tributaries on the south side of the study area consistently had lower flow than the tributaries on the north side. Discharge data were used to categorize stream reaches and sub-basins. Stream reaches were categorized as gaining or losing, wet, dry, or unobserved for each base-flow measurement period. More dry stream reaches occurred during the two low base-flow periods than during the high base-flow period. Sub-basin areas with surplus or deficient flow were also defined. Many areas of deficient flow occurred near the headwaters of the Little West Fork basin under all base-flow conditions. Fewer areas of deficient flow occurred near the mouth of the basin. The flow per square mile for each major tributary basin in the study area was also calculated. The values of flow per square mile for the tributary basins in the northern part of the study area were greater than those for the tributary basins in the southern part of the study area under all base-flow conditions.