The Lockwood Valley quadrangle is located in the western Transverse Ranges of California, about 10 km southwest of Frazier Park. It includes the western flank of Frazier Mountain, southern Lockwood Valley, and a region of the Los Padres National Forest near northern Piru Creek.
The oldest rocks are mostly biotite augen gneiss, in the hanging wall of the Frazier Mountain thrust and in a large body south of the thrust. A U-Pb zircon age for the gneiss is 1690+5 Ma (W. Premo, unpublished data). Two Cretaceous intrusive rocks are named the quartz monzonite of Sheep Creek and the coarse-grained granodiorite of Lockwood Peak. A U-Pb zircon age on the latter is 76.05+0.22 Ma (W. Premo, unpublished data).
The northeastern edge of a large Eocene marine basin, comprising the sandstones, shales, and conglomerates of the Juncal Formation, occupies the southwestern 25 percent of the quadrangle. Miocene fluvial rocks, including coarse boulder conglomerates, sandstones, and shale, of the Caliente Formation crop out mostly in the northwestern part of the quadrangle. Commercially exploitable Lockwood Clay unconformably overlies the Caliente, which, in turn, is overlain by the mostly fluvial Pliocene Quatal Formation.
Two major south-directed thrusts, the Frazier Mountain thrust and the South Frazier Mountain thrust, place crystalline rocks over Miocene and Pliocene sedimentary rocks. The South Frazier Mountain thrust is transected by the newly recognized, north-directed Lockwood Peak reverse fault. In addition, the newly recognized south-directed Yellowjacket thrust displaces rocks of the Pliocene Quatal Formation.