Between February 1997 and September 1997, 10 monitor wells were drilled near the site of the
former Naval Air Warfare Center, Warminster, Bucks County, Pa., to monitor water levels and sample
ground-water contaminants in the shallow, intermediate, and deep water-bearing zones. The
sampling will determine the horizontal and vertical distribution of contaminated ground water
migrating from known or suspected contaminant sources. Four wells were drilled north of the
property adjacent to Area A, three wells along strike located on Lewis Drive, and three wells directly
down dip on Ivyland Road. Well depths range from 69 feet to 300 feet below land surface.
Borehole-geophysical logging and television surveys were used to identify water-bearing zones so
that appropriate intervals could be screened in each monitor well. Geophysical logs were obtained at
the 10 monitor wells. Borehole television surveys were obtained at the four monitor wells adjacent to
Area A.
Caliper and borehole television surveys were used to locate fractures, inflections on fluidtemperature
and fluid-resistivity logs were used to locate possible water-bearing fractures, and heatpulse-
flowmeter measurements verified these locations. Natural-gamma logs provided information on
stratigraphy. After interpretation of geophysical logs, borehole television surveys, and driller?s logs,
all wells were screened such that water-level fluctuations could be monitored and water samples
collected from discrete water-bearing zones in each borehole.