The Gwynns Falls watershed has been selected as the primary study area for the Baltimore Ecosystem Study, as part of the National Science Foundation?s Long-Term Ecological Research program. Because the Baltimore Ecosystem Study will be investigating long-term hydrologic changes in the Gwynns Falls watershed, a compilation of existing data resources for the watershed is necessary.
This report discusses hydrologic characteristics and presents a compilation of historical data resources for the Gwynns Falls watershed. Tables are presented that list active and discontinued continuous-record streamflow-gaging stations, nontidal crest-stage partial-record stations, low-flow partial-record stations, and water-quality partial-record stations operated by the U.S. Geological Survey, Maryland-Delaware-D. C. District, in the Gwynns Falls watershed. Statistics regarding the number of inventoried ground-water wellsin or bordering the Gwynns Falls watershed also are presented. A summary of additional data resources for the Gwynns Falls watershed is provided. This includes (1) an inventory of selected U.S. Geological Survey studies and reports that contain historical data or basin characteristics for streams in the watershed, (2) a listing of indirect flood-discharge measurements that have been made at several monitoring stations in the watershed, (3) a brief discussion of channel-stability and bridge-scour data collected by the U.S. Geological Survey in the watershed during 1990?95, (4) a listing of climatological data stations in the watershed and in the surrounding regional area, and (5) a listing of other selected reports that include data or information on the Gwynns Falls watershed.