Reconnaissance of the hydrothermal resources of Utah

Professional Paper 1044-H



Geologic factors in the Basin and Range province in Utah are more favorable for the occurrence of geothermal resources than in other areas on the Colorado Plateaus or in the Middle Rocky Mountains. These geologic factors are principally crustal extension and crustal thinning during the last 17 million years. Basalts as young as 10,000 years have been mapped in the area. High-silica volcanic and intru­sive rocks of Quaternary age can be used to locate hydrothermal convection systems. Drilling for hot, high-silica, buried rock bodies is most promising in the areas of recent volcanic activity. Southwestern Utah has more geothermal potential than other parts of the Basin and Range province in Utah. The Roosevelt Hot Springs area, the Cove Fort-Sulphurdale area, and the area to the north as far as 60 kilome­ters from them probably have the best potential for geothermal devel­opment for generation of electricity. Other areas with estimated res­ervoir temperatures greater than 150°C are Thermo, Monroe, Red Hill (in the Monroe-Joseph Known Geothermal Resource Area), Joseph Hot Springs, and the Newcastle area. The rates of heat and water discharge are high at Crater, Meadow, and Hatton Hot Springs, but estimated reservoir temperatures there are less than 150°C. Ad­ditional exploration is needed to define the potential in three ad­ditional areas in the Escalante Desert.

Publication type Report
Publication Subtype USGS Numbered Series
Title Reconnaissance of the hydrothermal resources of Utah
Series title Professional Paper
Series number 1044
Chapter H
DOI 10.3133/pp1044H
Year Published 1983
Language English
Publisher U.S. Government Printing Office
Publisher location Washington, D.C.
Contributing office(s) Utah Water Science Center
Description iv, 49 p.
First page H1
Last page H49
Country United States
State Utah
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