Geophysical Interpretations of the Southern Espanola Basin, New Mexico, That Contribute to Understanding Its Hydrogeologic Framework

Professional Paper 1761
Prepared in cooperation with the New Mexico Office of the State Engineer
By: , and 



The southern Espanola basin consists of a westward- and northward-thickening wedge of rift fill, composed primarily of Santa Fe Group sediments, that serves as an important aquifer for the city of Santa Fe and surrounding areas. Detailed aeromagnetic surveys were flown to better understand ground-water resources in this aquifer. This report presents a synthesis of these data with gravity data and other constraints. The interpretations were accomplished using qualitative interpretation, state-of-art data analysis techniques, and two- and three-dimensional modeling. The results depict the presence of and depth to many geologic features that have hydrogeologic significance, including shallow faults, different types of igneous units, and basement rocks. The results are presented as map interpretations, geophysical profile models, and a digital surface that represents the base and thickness of Santa Fe Group sediments, as well as vector files of some volcanic features and faults.

Study Area

Publication type Report
Publication Subtype USGS Numbered Series
Title Geophysical Interpretations of the Southern Espanola Basin, New Mexico, That Contribute to Understanding Its Hydrogeologic Framework
Series title Professional Paper
Series number 1761
ISBN 9781411323650
DOI 10.3133/pp1761
Edition -
Year Published 2009
Language ENGLISH
Publisher U.S. Geological Survey
Contributing office(s) Crustal Imaging and Characterization
Description Report: vi, 88 p.; 2 Plates: Plate 1 - 23 x 37.5 inches, Plate 2 - 23 x 38 inches; Also available on CD-ROM
Projection Universal Transverse Mercator
Scale 1
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