The water-use program in Arkansas is a cooperative effort between Arkansas Soil and Water Conservation Commission and the U.S. Geological Survey. During 2000, the amount of water withdrawn from ground- and surface-water sources in Arkansas was estimated to be 10,963 million gallons per day (Mgalld). Of this amount, about 6,952 Mgal/d (63 percent) were from ground water and about 4,011 Mgalld (37 percent) were from surface-water sources. Approximately 87 percent of the population (2.3 million people) in Arkansas were served by public supply systems during 2000. These systems withdrew approximately 427 Mgal/d. Most of the water, 69 percent, was from surface-water sources. The statewide average for per-capita residential use from public supply systems was 181 gallons per day and increased about 57 percent between 1965 and 2000.