Groundwater is the principal source of freshwater supply in most of Southern Maryland and Maryland's Eastern Shore. It is also the source of freshwater supply used in the operation of the Calvert Cliffs, Chalk Point, and Morgantown power plants. Increased groundwater withdrawals over the last several decades have caused groundwater levels to decline. This report presents potentiometric surface maps of the Aquia, Magothy, upper Patapsco, lower Patapsco, and Patuxent aquifers using water levels measured during September 2011. Water-level difference maps also are presented for the first four of these aquifers. The water-level differences in the Aquia aquifer are shown using groundwater-level data from 1982 and 2011, whereas the water-level differences in the Magothy aquifer are presented using data from 1975 and 2011. Water-level difference maps in both the upper Patapsco and lower Patapsco aquifers are presented using data from 1990 and 2011. These maps show cones of depression ranging from 25 to 198 feet (ft) below sea level centered on areas of major withdrawals. Water levels have declined by as much as 112 ft in the Aquia aquifer since 1982, 85 ft in the Magothy aquifer since 1975, and 47 and 71 ft in the upper Patapsco and lower Patapsco aquifers, respectively, since 1990.