Status of Water-Level Altitudes and Long-Term and Short-Term Water-Level Changes in the Chicot and Evangeline (Undifferentiated) and Jasper Aquifers, Greater Houston Area, Texas, 2023

Scientific Investigations Report 2024-5003
Prepared in cooperation with the Harris-Galveston Subsidence District, City of Houston, Fort Bend Subsidence District, Lone Star Groundwater Conservation District, and Brazoria County Groundwater Conservation District



Since the early 1900s, groundwater withdrawn from the primary aquifers that compose the Gulf Coast aquifer system—the Chicot, Evangeline, and Jasper aquifers—has been an important source of water in the greater Houston area, Texas. This report, prepared by the U.S. Geological Survey in cooperation with the Harris-Galveston Subsidence District, City of Houston, Fort Bend Subsidence District, Lone Star Groundwater Conservation District, and Brazoria County Groundwater Conservation District, is one in an annual series of reports depicting the status of water-level altitudes and water-level changes in these aquifers in the greater Houston area.

In this report, the Chicot and Evangeline aquifers are treated as a single aquifer for the purposes of providing annual assessments of regional-scale water-level altitudes and water-level changes over time. In 2023, shaded depictions of water-level altitudes for the Chicot and Evangeline aquifers (undifferentiated) ranged from about 286 feet (ft) below the North American Vertical Datum of 1988 (NAVD 88) to about 169 ft above NAVD 88. The largest decline in water-level altitudes indicated by the 1977–2023 long-term water-level-change map was in south-central Montgomery County southeast of The Woodlands. In comparison, the 1990–2023 long-term water-level-change map depicts the largest declines in water-level altitudes in localized areas at or near certain wells in parts of northwestern Harris County and south-central Montgomery County. The largest rise in water-level altitudes for 1977–2023 is depicted in a relatively large area in southeastern Harris County, whereas the largest rise in water-level altitudes for 1990–2023 is depicted in a relatively large area in central Harris County. The 5-year short-term water-level-change map depicts the largest declines at three wells in northern Fort Bend County, one well in western Harris County, and three wells in south-central Montgomery County and the largest rise at one well in central Harris County. The 1-year short-term water-level-change map depicts the largest declines at one well in northern Fort Bend County and two wells in southwestern Harris County and the largest rises at one well in northern Brazoria County and one well in south-central Montgomery County.

In 2023, shaded depictions of water-level altitudes for the Jasper aquifer ranged from about 242 ft below NAVD 88 to about 218 ft above NAVD 88. The 2000–23 long-term water-level-change map depicts water-level declines throughout the study area where water-level-measurement data from the aquifer were collected, with the largest declines in north-central Harris County and south-central Montgomery County south of The Woodlands. The 5-year short-term water-level-change map depicts the largest declines at two wells in central Montgomery County near Conroe and two wells in south-central Montgomery County southeast of The Woodlands and the largest rise at one well in western Montgomery County. The 1-year short-term water-level-change map depicts the largest declines at four wells in south-central Montgomery County southeast of The Woodlands and one well in central Montgomery County near Conroe and the largest rises at two wells in western Montgomery County.

Suggested Citation

Ramage, J.K., 2024, Status of water-level altitudes and long-term and short-term water-level changes in the Chicot and Evangeline (undifferentiated) and Jasper aquifers, greater Houston area, Texas, 2023: U.S. Geological Survey Scientific Investigations Report 2024–5003, 26 p.,

ISSN: 2328-0328 (online)

Study Area

Table of Contents

  • Abstract
  • Introduction
  • Methods
  • Water-Level Altitudes and Long-Term and Short-Term Water-Level Changes
  • Data Limitations
  • Summary
  • References Cited
Publication type Report
Publication Subtype USGS Numbered Series
Title Status of water-level altitudes and long-term and short-term water-level changes in the Chicot and Evangeline (undifferentiated) and Jasper aquifers, greater Houston area, Texas, 2023
Series title Scientific Investigations Report
Series number 2024-5003
DOI 10.3133/sir20245003
Year Published 2024
Language English
Publisher U.S. Geological Survey
Publisher location Reston, VA
Contributing office(s) Oklahoma-Texas Water Science Center
Description Report: v, 26 p.; 2 Data Releases; Dataset
Country United States
State Texas
City Houston
Online Only (Y/N) Y
Additional publication details