The breeding bird survey, 1966
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A Breeding Bird Survey of a large section on North America was conducted during June 1966. Cooperators ran a total of 585 Survey routes in 26 eastern States and 4 Canadian Provinces. Future coverage of established routes will enable changes in the abundance of North American breeding birds to be measured. Routes are selected at random on the basis of one-degree blocks of latitude and longitude. Each 241/2-mile route, with 3-minute stops spaced one-half mile apart, is driven by automobile. All birds heard or seen at the stops are recorded on special forms and the data are then transferred to machine punch cards. The average number of birds per route is tabulated by State, along with the total number of each species and the percent of routes and stops upon which they were recorded. Maps are presented showing the range and abundance of selected species. Also, a year-to-year comparison is made of populations of selected species on Maryland routes in 1965 and 1966.
Publication type | Report |
Publication Subtype | Federal Government Series |
Title | The breeding bird survey, 1966 |
Series title | Special Scientific Report - Wildlife |
Series number | 102 |
Year Published | 1967 |
Language | English |
Publisher | U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service |
Contributing office(s) | Patuxent Wildlife Research Center |
Description | 43 p. |
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