Uranium-bearing multiple oxide minerals were first recognized in the jig-bed concentrate of !the Tyee Mining Company'ss gold dredge on the Red River about 10 miles south of Elk City. Idaho County, Idaho, in late 1951 or early 1952. The gravels of the placer deposits were derived from the Idaho batholith and a roof pendant of Precambrian rocks in the batholith. Three samples taken for analysis show that the jig-bed concenuate contains 0.134 percent uranium.
The nonmagnetic, non-radioactive fractions of the samples assayed 0.2 percent niobium, but no columbite was recognized in the samples. The uranium-bearing placer mineals are brannerite. euxenitte, davidite. betafite, and also contain niobium; ilmenite in the gravels may also contain some niobium. Pegmatites are believed to be the somce of the uranium- and niobium-bearing minerals, but the possibility of finding a pegmatite in the area ,that can be mined economically for uranium or niobium is remote.