Preliminary statement of the analyses of ground water from the Morrison Formation, southwestern Colorado and southeastern Utah

Trace Elements Memorandum 137



As part of a study of the carnotite deposits of the Colorado Plateau,, samples of ground water from the Salt Wash sandstone and Brushy Basin shale members of the Morrison formation have been analyzed to determine their chemical character and metal content. The Salt Wash ground water is largely a bicarbonate solution with variable amounts of calcium and magnesium ions; that from the Brushy Basin is either a sulfate or bicarbonate solution with sodium, The ground water from the Salt Wash and Brushy Basin members is generally weakly alkaline In most samples, the metal ions of uranium, vanadium, copper, lead, and selenium are present in amounts of less than 1 part per million. It is concluded that if the ground water responsible for introduction of the uranium and vanadium metals into the Salt Wash was comparable to the recent ground water, it contained very small amounts of the metal ions.

Study Area

Publication type Report
Publication Subtype USGS Numbered Series
Title Preliminary statement of the analyses of ground water from the Morrison Formation, southwestern Colorado and southeastern Utah
Series title Trace Elements Memorandum
Series number 137
DOI 10.3133/tem137
Year Published 1951
Language English
Publisher U.S. Geological Survey
Description Report: 12 p.; Plate 1: 22.10 inches x 27.51 inches; Plate 2: 21.48 inches x 25.29 inches
Country United States
State Colorado;Utah
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